Texts To Download

Some of the projects I have worked on resulted in publications. Here you can find the ones available, describing projects I have worked on more in depth. Some are in English, others in Czech. To download a document in the requested language, please click the “download here” link at the requested text.

Community Work in a Roma Community, Žehra, East Slovakia

A case study of a community work project in a Roma settlement in East Slovakia, I worked on from 1998 to 2000. The chapter has been taking from the booklet “Breaking the Vicious Circle”, published by the Spolu International Foundation. In English. Download here

Integrated Community Housing Project, Brno, the Czech Republic

A case study of a housing project in a disadvantaged location with a large Roma community. I worked on this project from 1997 till 2002. From “Breaking the Vicious Circle”, published by the Spolu International Foundation. The chapter has been taking from the booklet “Breaking the Vicious Circle”, published by the Spolu International Foundation. In English. Download here

Het Racisme Voorbij – Een opvallend Roma huisvestingsproject in het Tsjechische Brno

An article, written in September 2001 for the Dutch quarterly “Oost-Europa Verkenningen”, describing the project Community Housing in Brno – a participatory project to solve the housing situation for low-income families, mainly Roma, who lived in a dilapidated apartment block in the city of Brno. Czech Republic. In Dutch. Download here

Capacity Building for NGOs, the Czech Republic

The Capacity Building Training Programme (Výcvikový program Capacity Building) was a tailor made training pogramme for three Czech NGO’s. As project coordinator for the NGO Horizonty, I lead this project and provided training and workshops for the participating organisations. The booklet you can download here has been published by Horizonty and describes the content of the training programme, which ran from 2003 – 2005, as well as the participating organisations. In Czech. Download here

Community Work in the village Pohorská Ves, The Czech Republic

The document “Community Work in the village Pohorská Ves” (“Využití komunitní práce v Pohorské Vsi”) describes a case study about community work with Roma in a remote location in the south-west of the Czech Republic, close to the Austrian border. I worked on this project from 2001 till 2002. A publication by the NGO “Horizonty”. In Czech. Download here

Training Programme “Implementation of Quality Standards in Social Services”, The Czech Republic

The training program “Implementation of Quality Standards in Social Services” was aimed at organisations, working in the field of social services in the Czech Republic. A new law made it compulsory for any organisation providing social services, to comply with a series of quality standards. The workshops and training in this programme were aimed at getting familiar with the new standards and requirements, and implementing them in way of working of the organisation. Using participatory workshops, workers, staff and management were involved in creating and implementing the Quality Standards, to make sure they were carried and supported by the whole organisation. The booklet, in Czech, describes the project in details. A publication by the NGO “Horizonty”. In Czech. Download here

Workbook “Steps towards Empowerment”

Together with trainer and expert Laura di Pasquale I created a the workbook “Steps to Empowerment”. Together with a PowerPoint presentation and other working materials, this workbook was created for a training of 60 young Roma community leaders of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, within the program LYRA – Leaders – Young Roma in Action, lead by Save the Children Albania. In English. Download here.